It's a (lucky) dog's life

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5 Tips To Care For Your Dog After Castration

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Castration is good for your dog’s health and provides many benefits in general. Castrated pooches are often less aggressive and less likely to develop prostate diseases or behavioural problems. The procedure is routine with minimal risks. The following can ensure your dog recovers well.  1. Prepare a Resting Area The anaesthesia will leave your dog groggy for several hours and possibly until the next day. It’s important to provide them with a safe and comfortable place to rest and recover. Read More»

Dog Care: Intestinal Cancer Explained

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Like humans, dogs can develop different types of cancer. Intestinal cancer tends to be more prevalent in older dogs, but it can develop in any dog. This type of cancer causes tumours to form along the lining of a dog’s intestines. The cause of intestinal cancer in dogs is still being explored, but there may be genetic and environmental risk factors that make some dogs more likely to develop this type of cancer. Read More»

What to Do When Your Puppy Won't Stop Biting Your Legs

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As cute as puppies may be, it’s not so adorable when they bite and attack. If your new dog won’t stop nipping at your feet, ankles, or pant legs when you walk, you’re not alone. Biting is a common phase for most puppies, but it can be very frustrating for even the most experienced of dog owners. Thankfully, there are several ways to keep the bites at bay. 1. Try more playtime Read More»

Which Vaccinations Should You Get For Your Dog?

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Responsible dog owners know that it’s important to keep up to date with their pet’s vaccination schedule — but which vaccinations does your dog need to get, and how often should you be having them boosted? In Australia, there are three main classifications for canine vaccination: core vaccines, which all dogs should have on a set basis; non-core vaccines, which are administered based on risk; and travel vaccines, which are given only if you’re taking your dog to a place where they’ll be needed. Read More»

Behavioral Cues That Tell You When Your Dog is Pregnant

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Many dog owners aren’t sure what the signs of dog pregnancy are, and that can lead to a lot of confusion and worry. Thankfully, there are a few key signs that you can look out for to determine if your dog is expecting. This article highlights some of the main signs and symptoms of dog pregnancy to help you prepare for the upcoming birth. Increased Appetite Pregnant dogs are known for their voracious appetites, and there is a good reason for this. Read More»

Create A Bond: How Your Pets Benefit From Professional Grooming

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If you haven’t started your pets on a grooming routine, you’re missing out on a great opportunity. You might think that grooming is all about hygiene, but that’s not the case. Grooming provides benefits for your pets that you might not have considered. If you’re not sure that your pets need professional grooming, read the list of benefits provided below. Here are just four of the ways that pet grooming can provide positive benefits for your pets. Read More»

Does Your Newborn Kitten Have An Eye Infection?

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At around two weeks of age, a kitten’s top and bottom eyelids will separate and their eyes will open. If you’re caring for a litter of kittens, it’s important to be aware of signs that point to an eye infection, as eye infections are a common type of bacterial infection in newborn kittens. The cornea or the conjunctiva can become infected as a result of bacteria in the kitten’s living environment or due to the mother having a vaginal infection at the time of giving birth. Read More»

Why Your Dog Needs an Annual Dental Check Up

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If you haven’t started dental exams for your dog, now’s the time to schedule an appointment. You might not realise this, but your dog needs annual dental exams just as much as you do. In fact, they may need those exams more than you do. That’s because they can’t tell you when they’re experiencing dental problems. As a result, those annual exams are the only way to diagnose cavities and decay. Read More»

Act Quickly: 4 Steps To Take If Your Pet Is Bitten By A Snake

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If your pet spends time outdoors, there’s a good chance that they could suffer a snake bite. If they do, you need to be ready to act quickly. Snake bites can be deadly for pets, especially if they don’t receive the proper treatment, which begins with you. If your pet is bitten by a snake, here are four steps that you need to take immediately.  Make Note of Identifying Features Read More»

Understanding Pulmonary Oedema in Dogs

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Pulmonary oedema (the buildup of fluid in the lungs) is a serious condition that can cause permanent lung damage if it’s not treated promptly. It occurs when pressure builds up in the lungs and prevents the normal flow of fluid from your dog’s lungs into their body. Any dog can develop pulmonary oedema and it’s not always possible to identify a cause for the condition developing, but those with pneumonia or a heart condition are at an increased risk. Read More»