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Is Your Cat's Weird Behaviour a Sign of Illness?

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The strange, often unpredictable behaviour of cats is why we love them. For many people, the quirks of cats are a constant source of entertainment, and it doesn't even matter that they might love you one day and act like they're bored of your existence the next. But cat behaviour can sometimes be revealing something else going on. Unlike dogs, cats can be unwell for a while before their guardians even notice, and their odd ways are partly to blame for this. Is your cat just being a cat or is it time for a trip to the vet? Keep an eye out for these signs and help kitty stay in good health.

Changes in Diet

It's no secret that some cats are fussy eaters, but if your feline is off their food, it's definitely wise to get them checked out by a veterinarian. A less obvious sign of potential problems is an increased appetite. This can be difficult to spot if there's always a bowl of food available, so careful monitoring might be in order. A cat that suddenly becomes more hungry could be suffering from diabetes or hyperthyroidism, so it's time to get out the cat carrier.

Being Noisy

Some cats are naturally more vocal than others, and if yours spends portions of the night yowling away, you might be used to putting a pillow over your head and trying to ignore it. This behaviour could actually be a symptom of underlying issues, from simple anxiety to more serious medical problems. You should be particularly concerned if it started suddenly or if your cat is normally quiet.

Acting Antisocial

Cat owners are only too aware that their furry companions will only give them attention and affection on their terms. Their aloof behaviour coupled with the fact that they sleep a lot means a cat that isn't interested in being fussed seems normal, but this isn't always the case. The key thing here is to spot any changes in behaviour. If your cat is normally affectionate but has been hiding away for a few days, chances are they're not feeling well.

Increased Energy

In older cats, an increase in activity can seem like a good thing. You might be pleased to see them acting as crazily as they did in their younger days, but it can be a symptom of an overactive thyroid. Generally speaking, any sudden, persistent changes in a cat's behaviour should have you taking them for a veterinary visit so the vet can diagnose or rule out any underlying medical problems.
