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Cat Care: Understanding Mycotoxicosis

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Food or organic matter that’s become contaminated by fungi is poisonous to cats. Mycotoxicosis occurs when a cat ingests fungi and is exposed to mycotoxins released by the fungi. Commonly found substances that can cause mycotoxicosis in cats include mouldy bread, garden mushrooms and decomposing scraps of food in compost piles, and your cat doesn’t have to consume a large quantity of food contaminated by fungi to become ill. Here’s an overview of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment approach for mycotoxicosis in cats: Read More»

Dog Care: Bleeding Of The Retina

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The retina is located at the back of the eye and is the section of the eye that receives images in the form of light. The retina then sends these images to the brain for processing via nerve signals. The retina is attached to a section at the back of the eye known as the choroid coat. This provides the retina with nutrients and oxygen, but the retina can become separated from this layer. Read More»

Why you should never postpone your dog's annual visit to the vet

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The process of bringing your dog to the vet can be somewhat trying, particularly if your pet pooch gets a bit hyper during car journeys or anxious when they’re at the vet clinic. However, regardless of how stressful you may find this experience, it’s crucial not to skip it. Here are two reasons why your pet needs to attend their annual check-ups. To keep their vaccinations up to date A lot of new pet owners aren’t fully unaware of the importance of dog vaccinations. Read More»

The 4 Good Reasons to Get Your Bunny Neutered or Spayed

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When it comes to cats and dogs, responsible owners know they should get their pet neutered or spayed as soon as they’re old enough. With the overpopulation of many animal shelters, there’s generally high awareness of the importance of preventing unexpected litters—no matter how cute they may be. And that’s without even mentioning the other benefits in terms of behaviour and health. There’s one type of pet that you might not consider taking to the vet for desexing, as public awareness is much lower than it is for other animals. Read More»

Tips On Removing Mats From Your Dog's Coat

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If your dog has a long coat, he may suffer from tangles and mats. In severe cases of matting, the dog’s skin may become very sore and sensitive, leading to the development of chronic bacterial skin conditions. If your dog has a badly matted coat and the skin around the mats appears red and inflamed, you should seek veterinary advice. It is possible to prevent mats from forming in your dog’s coat by grooming him daily. Read More»

Is Your Cat's Weird Behaviour a Sign of Illness?

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The strange, often unpredictable behaviour of cats is why we love them. For many people, the quirks of cats are a constant source of entertainment, and it doesn’t even matter that they might love you one day and act like they’re bored of your existence the next. But cat behaviour can sometimes be revealing something else going on. Unlike dogs, cats can be unwell for a while before their guardians even notice, and their odd ways are partly to blame for this. Read More»

3 Signs Your Pet Needs to Visit a Vet

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An animal emergency isn’t always easy to spot. It is very easy for a pet owner to think that signs of illness or distress are just their pet acting up or trying to get attention. However, it is important that you are able to spot the signs that your pet needs to see a vet so that they can receive the care they require promptly. Below is a guide to four signs you may need to take your pet to see a veterinarian. Read More»

5 Signs Your Dog Might Be Allergic to Grass

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Many people, even experienced pet owners, don’t understand that dogs can suffer from allergies. Often these allergies pass by unnoticed when the pooch in question doesn’t regularly encounter the offending substance, but one allergy that is very likely to be a problem is a grass allergy. Though referred to as a grass allergy, what your dog will really be allergic to is grass pollen. Grass allergies will rarely cause any serious problems, but, just as with humans, they can be very unpleasant to deal with. Read More»